10 Signs Your Dog’s Diet is Suffering
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As a dog parent, ensuring your dog’s health and well-being is a top priority! But did you know food can play one of the biggest roles in your dog’s health? One of the most crucial aspects of your dog’s health is their diet! Today, I’m sharing 10 signs your dog’s diet is suffering.

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Just like humans, dogs need a balanced and nutritious diet to thrive. When their diet is lacking or unbalanced, it can lead to a range of health issues, just like us! And, unfortunately, so much dog food on the market today is not made for dogs to thrive. Just like so much of our food is also not made for us to thrive!
Dog food is the equivalent of eating processed food your entire life. It usually lacks protein, it’s higher in carbs, both of which can cause problems for dogs in the long run. This would be similar to us eating things like Lunchables, fast food, or frozen TV dinners our entire life. So, here are 10 signs your dog’s diet might be suffering and how you can use food to fix some of these common issues that can happen with your fur baby.

1. Dull or Brittle Coat
A healthy dog should have a shiny, smooth coat. If your dog's fur is dull, dry, or brittle, it may be a sign that they are not getting enough essential fatty acids, vitamins, or minerals. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, found in fish oil and flaxseed, are crucial for a healthy coat and skin. You can easily add omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids by adding hemp seeds to your dog’s food. We do this for John John daily. Try adding 1 tablespoon of organic hemp seeds to your dog’s food daily. If your dog is a fan of salmon, this is also another great way to provide omega-3s!
2. Frequent Digestive Issues
Frequent vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation can indicate that your dog's diet is not agreeing with them. These issues may result from food intolerances, allergies, or low-quality ingredients in their food. Switching to a high-quality, organic, easily digestible diet can help alleviate these problems. If you aren’t making your own food, simply adding organic pumpkin to your dog’s diet can help. Pumpkin is a super food and it known to help with GI upset. Pumpkin is safe for dogs to eat daily! According to PetMD, dogs can have anywhere from 2 teaspoons of pumpkin to 1/4 cup per day depending on their weight. You can simply mix pumpkin into their food. Or you can make my Pumpkin Peanut Butter Dog Cookies or Pumpkin Granola for Dogs and give as treats!
Organic plain Greek yogurt (whole milk) is also a great way to help with GI issues as yogurt contains beneficial probiotics that can help heal the gut. If you introduce yogurt, be sure you are buying organic plain Greek yogurt. Stay away from any flavored yogurts because those can have added flavors and sugars. Also, some dogs can be lactose intolerant so introduce yogurt gradually to see if your dog has any issues with it. John John enjoys the Nancy's Organic Plain Greek Yogurt daily with Pumpkin Granola for Dogs!

3. Lethargy and Low Energy
If your dog is unusually tired or lacks enthusiasm for activities they once enjoyed, it might be due to a lack of proper nutrition. Dogs need a diet rich in proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to fuel their energy. Ensure your dog's food is giving them the right amount. If you are on a processed dog food diet, they could be lacking in protein. Even if you can’t make their own food, adding simple boiled organic chicken breast to their kibble can really boost energy levels as most dog food is lacking in the amount of protein dogs require.
4. Unexplained Weight Gain
Sudden changes in your dog's weight can be a red flag for dietary issues. Unexplained weight gain can result from overfeeding or poor-quality food. Many times, processed dog food is to blame and if you simply switch your dog to a fresh diet their excess weight will drop right off. Just like if you were to switch from eating fast food daily to homemade food, you’d notice weight loss just by switching your food! If you can’t do fresh food daily, aim to do it 3 times per week and I bet you’ll see a noticeable change.

5. Itchy or Inflamed Skin
Skin issues such as itching, redness, or inflammation can indicate food allergies or intolerances. Common allergens include dairy, wheat, and chicken. Identifying and eliminating the offending ingredient from your dog's diet can alleviate these symptoms. Many times, processed dog food is to blame because the ingredient lists are not always accurate because there are no strict guidelines here.
I took a course on dog nutrition and some of the studies they shared were just bananas. Dog food that was labeled beef only had like 7% beef and it had even more chicken! So, allergies can be difficult to pinpoint if you are feeding your dog processed dog food. Try removing processed food and switch to a fresh diet and then try process of elimination with foods. Many times, dogs cannot have processed chicken foods, but they can still eat fresh chicken (this was the case with Otto, my first Pug!).
Essential fatty acids can also help with skin issues as this is a key nutrient for a healthy skin and coat. You can try adding in organic eggs, grassfed beef, or wild caught salmon to your dog's diet. Hemp seeds are also a great source of essential fatty acids. Dogs don't need a lot of hemp seeds to reap the benefits, limit them to 1 tablespoon per day or less if you have a smaller dog.
6. Bad Breath and Dental Issues
Persistent bad breath, gum disease, or tooth decay can be signs of poor diet and oral health. Simply sharing apples, carrots, and strawberries with your dog can help clean their teeth naturally! These foods can help clean teeth acid and remove plaque.

7. Excessive Shedding
While shedding is normal for dogs, excessive shedding can be a sign of nutritional deficiencies. A diet lacking in essential vitamins and minerals can lead to poor coat health and increased shedding. Ensuring your dog receives a balanced diet rich in nutrients like zinc, biotin, and vitamin E can help reduce shedding. You can easily incorporate zinc into your dog’s diet by cooking them organic ground beef once a week. Try our recipe for Dog Burger Bowl! Chicken, salmon, duck, broccoli, and eggs are all great sources as well. Food sources for vitamin E include sweet potatoes, blueberries, eggs, salmon, and peas.
8. Frequent Ear Infections
Chronic ear infections can be linked to food allergies or sensitivities. If your dog experiences frequent ear infections, it might be worth evaluating their diet for potential allergens. Switching to a grain-free or limited-ingredient diet can sometimes help resolve these issues. The best way is to try elimination and remove certain things, then slowly add them back.
9. Stiff Joints or Arthritis
Arthritis is a sign of inflammation in the body, just like when humans have arthritis. Turmeric is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory and can be beneficial for preventing and managing arthritis. You can easily add organic ground turmeric to your dog’s food. Dogs can get about 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric per 10 pounds daily.
10. Poor Immune Function
A weak immune system can make your dog more susceptible to infections and illnesses. A balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals is essential for maintaining a robust immune system. Foods like blueberries and sweet potatoes can provide the necessary nutrients to support your dog’s immune health. John John eats sweet potatoes and blueberries daily! Try our recipe for Dog Friendly Sweet Potato Fries, the best thing is you can enjoy these too so it’s like cooking for yourself with a bonus for your pup!

The Takeaway
Monitoring your dog’s health and behavior closely can help you identify any signs of dietary deficiencies or imbalances. Just like humans, food plays a crucial role in your dog’s health and well-being. I hope these 10 sings your dog's diet is suffering will give you helpful insight into how food can play a big role in your dogs health!
If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian to determine the best course of action. But a well-balanced, nutritious diet is a great place to start and it’s vital for your dog’s overall health and happiness. By serving high-quality organic food and addressing any dietary issues promptly, you can ensure your furry friend lives a long, healthy, and active life!
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